Thursday, August 21, 2008


so i think i finally figured out how to use hype machine.

about damn time.
thanks for helping me out berto.
i teach you how to swim, you teach me how to get music free and legal.

Friday, August 15, 2008

theory time

haha i have this theory
that we all ask for advice but dont take it until its what we want. it makes sense.
because its the only thing i see from anyone. weird.

ummm ive had my up days and my down days.
but mostly i want someone to try to be on their way to loving me.
and looking at me like we belong
and talking to me when we're in the same room
and being the first person they think of when they wake up

this person could be anyone
as long as we belong together.
and we combust with smiles when we meet.