Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Dog pile ;)

I'm just sitting at the campus Starbucks in the food court and i glanced over to the seating area across from me and it looks like a serious dog pile of sleeping and reading students all jumbled on and around the brown leather couch. they're all draped over each other and they look SO comfortable. I feel like i'm gonna need a nap later. I love naps. They are SOO fulfilling. Its always the freshest sensation after you wake up from a nap, as long as the temperature isn't so hot that you wake up sweating.

Speaking of temperature, the weather has been in its "transition" to what we call "FALL WEATHER" in Southern California. Its probably in the mid 60's, but i'm shivering and cold. I like the cold, but i need to get a better jacket to suit the weather change. I hate buying jackets, so i lack cozy winter wear in my wardrobe. I really want to eventually get a CSULB sweatshirt before I graduate...whenever that is...

I'm heading up to San Francisco this coming weekend. Its that time again for another dance competition. I hope they let me dance in All-Stars this year. I'm gonna cry if they don't. seriously. tears.

Lifes the best its ever been. Im loving life. <3