Thursday, April 24, 2008

hurts so good

that title has nothing to do with what i have to say.
i really actually have nothing meaningful to say. i'm just tired.
just need to waste a little time so i decided to analyze the relationships between friends and you...along with the relationships between your parents and you.
people always get so butt hurt when their parents say they've lost their child's trust. but its like betraying your friend, you know? if you lie to your friend and they find out, they're gonna be pissed at you too. soooo why do people feel like they can just go and get away with lying to their parents like its no biggie.
YEA. I think thats bullshit.
plain and simple.
everyone is a human being
and everyone is going to treat you as if youve lied. or betrayed them
so why do YOU treat people differently.
they dont deserve it.

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