Thursday, May 08, 2008


it is the worst thing.
its insanely unhealthy and makes no sense why anyone would or should ever result to it. i know we all have had our fair share of procrastination on projects and papers, but i take it to this extreme level of staying up until the break of dawn trying to complete these papers for my women's studies class and sacrificing sleeping for it.
I think for the first time in my life ever, i will postpone writing my paper until tomorrow night and turn it in to my teacher friday. or sit at my computer on friday until it is complete and then walk it over to my teacher's office.
I have never had writers block this bad but maybe its a sign that i need to force new habits on myself before i crash or get into a serious pile up because of it.
i could write a book about procrastination.
and that is terrible that i even think that way.
its the only way i've ever known how to handle my writing situations. I only know how to write under pressure of time and i need to start forcing myself to develop new habits this late in my life.

if you say oj super fast and if you will, in a high pitched voice while constricting your sounds awesome and funny as hell.
with that said, im gonna take an hour nap and get up for a day of school, hanging out with my cousin i just met tuesday and closing at work.
and then
writing this paper
about postfeminism
and how its a bunch of hullabaloo because there are still feminists
who wont stand for being classified as postfeminists
which implies that feminism is a thing of the past.
oh god.

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